Riverdance – students living near the river

Philip Modest Schambelan

Entwurfsverfasser: Philip Modest Schambelan
Betreuer: Prof. Pata
Hochschule: VUT Prag
Semester: 10

riverdance – cvut students dormitory

reconquering unused abandoned space near the riverside, the new dormitory offers privacy, community, sports, learning and discusssion areas, space for arts and other creativity.
the northern part of the building is facing the district hole ovice head-on. While it is kept in a rather calm manner to reflect this part of the city’s architecture you can still feel its movement. the sides facing the river dance with the flowing water.
steel cable trellis provide the vault and its balconies with both thrill and safeness. slide tubes connecting the floors inside the vault allow fast communication between floors. the stairs are only an option.
each appartment presents itself with river side balconies and living rooms. each angle of view is different, in every appartment on every floor.
the students will refresh, enhance and develop the riverside, which is full of forgotten potentials.